Until recently, the debate about the existence of the G-spot did not end until one of the American scientists put an end to various speculations by examining the corpse of an elderly woman. He discovered that the desired erogenous zone is located on the upper wall of the vagina and feels like a walnut to the touch. When this point is stimulated, the woman reaches orgasm in a short time, with adequate and continuous stimulation, the time is reduced to 10 seconds (in rare cases).
Unfortunately, the G-spot has not been fully explored. There are still no answers to some questions: is it present in all women and, if so, can anyone have an orgasm with stimulation from it?
How to start looking for the G-spot
Your partner can search for the G-spot or you can find it yourself. To do this, you need to insert two or three fingers into the vagina, apply a special lubricant to them in advance. After inserting your fingers into the vagina, you need to bend them to touch the upper wall.
Ways to stimulate the G-spot
Insert the lubricated fingers into the vagina, with the other hand slightly press the pubis, the fingers inserted into the vagina should move up and down, while you can pay attention to the clitoris, for sharpness. You can do this without the help of a partner. You can also find the point yourself by using a vibrator.
If your partner's penis is naturally tilted slightly upwards, then you'll have more poses that promote stimulation, even classic missionary is included in the bill. Another simple and effective position is for the woman on top and the partners to face each other.
What is a squirting orgasm?
By stimulating the G-spot, a girl can also experience a squirting orgasm. During such an orgasm, a specific fluid is released from the girl's vagina. To obtain such an orgasm, the partner must insert the lubricated fingers and move them up and down the walls of the vagina, this must be done carefully so as not to cause pain. Before that, her partner must help him relax with a massage oil massage. The girl needs to lie on her back, bending her knees.
During a squirting orgasm, there is a desire to urinate, but this feeling quickly passes and the desired pleasure arrives. Still, it is recommended for her confidence to go to the bathroom before the procedure.
If the first time you did not manage to experience any type of orgasm, do not be discouraged, everything has its time. Sometimes girls achieve results only after 2 weeks of training. You just need to learn to relax and fully trust your partner.
Where is the G-spot in women and how to find it? These intriguing questions concern almost all modern people. Women want to achieve the indelible and incomparable sensations caused by the stimulation of this area. Men want to please their partners and at the same time increase their self-esteem as talented and experienced lovers. In this article, we try to describe in as much detail as possible where to look for this magic spot.
The female G-spot is located on the front wall of the vagina, at a distance of about 3-5 cm from its entrance. However, the location range of the point is from 1 to 10 cm, moreover, it is far from always located in the center of the wall. Often the point is on the right or left side.
Finding the G-spot is not that easy, but the result will reward all your efforts. Most importantly, do not forget that in a calm state the mystery spot is hardly noticeable and does not exceed the size of a pea. In a state of excitement it swells, doubles its size and becomes quite palpable. The point or rather the area has a slightly rough surface and is somewhat reminiscent of goosebumps or walnut skin, in contrast to the smooth texture of the main part of the vagina.
So, let's start looking for the magic point:
- First of all, do everything possible to provoke a strong arousal in your partner. The ideal is to try to bring her to orgasm. In the moment before its appearance or immediately after, the point is best explored.
- The most convenient thing to look for is the position where the partner is lying on their back and their legs are wide apart. Gently insert two fingers into the vagina, feel the area below the pubic bone. At the same time remember that digital statistics on the location of the G-spot are not an axiom, and for different women, the prized zone may not be in exactly the same places.
- In almost all the fair sex, this section of the vagina is characterized by reduced sensitivity. Therefore, to detect it, it is often necessary to press quite strongly and actively on the area under study. Ask the woman to suggest which direction you should move.
- If during your search for a partner you feel like urinating, you are most likely on the right track. When you press on the G-spot, this reaction, along with a feeling of discomfort, appears in many women. Don't worry, these kinds of sensations go away pretty quickly and are replaced by a feeling of growing arousal.
- The G-spot resembles a small hard lump, no bigger than a pea. Try to grab it with two fingers. Then start rhythmically squeezing and loosening the lump, squeezing and releasing it, trying to act strongly and at the same time gently to avoid injury to the sensitive vaginal mucosa.
Everyone talks about the G-spot, but few people talk about other equally important erogenous zones of a woman. If you learn to awaken these points, the orgasm will no longer slip out from under your nose.
erogenous zones in women
Many people have heard more than once about the miraculous properties of a special G-spot on a woman's body, but not many people understand what is hidden behind this name, and very few people know about the existence of at least 3 more special points, the one whose stimulation will give the woman especially pleasant sensations. These same erogenous zones in women are called points A, K, U, that is, the entire "female alphabet" is made up of the acronym G-A-K-U.
Let's take a closer look at what these erogenous zones are on a woman's body, where they are, how to stimulate them, and what effect a woman will get from stimulation.
The G-spot is located on the front wall of the vagina at a depth of 4 to 5 centimeters from the entrance of the vagina. It is a hypersensitive area of the vagina, measuring 1. 5 to 2 cm, that contains 600 nerve endings per square millimeter, unlike other areas that do not contain more than 30 nerve endings. That is, the stimulation of this area will bring 20 times more pleasure. In women, this erogenous zone can be easily stimulated with a finger or a small vibrator that has the proper function and shape.
Where are the most erogenous zones in women?
Point a
Where is the woman's erogenous zone called point A? You can find this intimate spot in the front of the vagina, between the bladder and the cervix, it is like G, a super sensitive area 2-4 cm in size. With strong arousal, the tissues surrounding the uterus begin to contract strongly, and the male penis can penetrate her neck by almost 3 centimeters. In addition, this area does not become hypersensitive after orgasm, which allows the pleasure to be prolonged.
The K-spot is located on the back wall of the vagina, and stimulation of this point is done during anal sex, but as long as the wall between the rectum and the vagina is not too thick. Stimulation of this zone, unlike the previous two zones, does not bring emotionally colored experiences, love and affection for a partner, but rather brings a particularly sharp and vivid orgasm.
What other erogenous zones do women have? The U-spot is a soft erectile tissue, also permeated with nerve endings to a greater extent than the surrounding tissues. It can be found in the vestibule of the urethra. During the stimulation of the U-spot, there is a strong sexual desire and an urge to urinate at the same time. In this case, the impact is not only on the U-point, but also on the Skene's glands, the so-called "prostate gland" of a woman, located throughout the spongy body of the urethra. These zones are individual for each woman and can be located at the exit of the urethra, in the middle of the channel or in the neck itself. Its location is an important factor for the sensitivity of the U-spot. During normal sexual intercourse, the U-spot is not affected, so it must be stimulated separately, with circular movements of the finger. Simultaneous stimulation of the G and U spots in women sometimes leads to so-called "squirting" and multiple orgasms.
There is an opinion that the main male organ is the phallus. All erogenous zones are concentrated on him. In fact, in the body of any man there is another powerful sexual tool that takes an active part in every sexual relationship. This refers to the prostate gland or, in other words, the prostate.
In a fit of passion, few people remember the presence of a prostate. And completely in vain. She, as the main male sexual organ, is very sensitive to stimulation. Some sexologists equate it to the female G-spot, because a competent effect on the prostate is accompanied by unforgettable pleasure.
How to find this mysterious area on a man's body? >
- Before you start looking for the precious spot on your partner's body, ask them to prepare a bit. Ideally, a man will clean the intestines and empty the rectum with an enema, which will make the massage of such an intimate place more aesthetically pleasing.
- Do everything you can to make your partner relax and trust you completely. His inner uncertainty will lead to the contraction of the sphincter and the complete failure of his sexual experiment. Find out from the man if he really wants to participate in this. Otherwise, instead of bright pleasure, he will feel only discomfort and pain.
- Cut your nails without fail. If you have splayed nails, don't even try to start looking for the G-spot, as this is fraught with microtrauma to your loved one's rectum.
- Wash your hands well, not only before, but also after searching and finding the precious spot. Do not touch the hand that was used in the search for the male genitalia or your genitalia, and better yet, wear disposable gloves. Thus, it will protect itself from a variety of microorganisms from the partner's colon, which can lead to the development of inflammatory processes.
- Do not start looking for the prostate at the beginning of sexual intercourse. It is better to move it to the moment when you feel the imminent beginning of the climax. Otherwise, you can simply destroy your partner's sexual mood and even make them uncomfortable.
- Give your man an erotic massage, starting from the head and gently moving to the stomach and back. Pay special attention to the buttocks. Massage your partner with smooth, gentle movements.
- Let your man lie on his back. At this moment, you will accommodate yourself between his legs and with great delicacy and care you will introduce your finger in his anus, without forgetting to use Vaseline oil or a special lubricant. Go forward about 4-5 cm and try to feel on the front wall of the intestine from the side of the abdomen a lump the size of a chestnut.
- Alternatively, you can ask your partner to get into a knee-elbow position or lie on their side, preferably the right side, and press their knees hard against their stomach. Not only will this position make it easier for you, but it will also allow a man to experience multiple orgasms. In this posture, the pelvic muscles relax to the maximum.

A full sexual life is a guarantee of good health, excellent mood, youth and family happiness. For both partners to receive the full pleasure of intimacy, you need to know how to find the chi-point.
The stimulation of the erogenous zones allows both the man and his partner to reach orgasm.
The fact that there is a special place - the ji point, they began to talk in the middle of the last century. There is still no unanimous opinion on where the G-spot is. Women generally have no problem determining its coordinates.

This place is located on the front wall of the vagina, 3-5 cm from the entrance. The appearance of the erogenous epicenter itself can be seen in a special video. There are also photos in which a special place looks like a bean of small size.
To recognize the chi point, it is not necessary to study the video. This place is quite palpable with tactile inspection. If this area is stimulated, then there is a significant increase in size (in some women several times).
Finding an erogenous point is not difficult at all, for this you need to feel the anterior wall of the vagina. This area will be rougher and rougher, which is not typical of the rest of the mucosa.
The easiest way to find the G-spot is when a woman is in a state of sexual arousal. This zone is less sensitive for any girl, so it must be additionally and actively stimulated. To master the practical techniques of such stimulation, you can watch the video.
When sexual intercourse occurs, there is no stimulation of the g pole, so some women have doubts about the presence of such a place. Each of the girls has it individually. Therefore, to detect the presence of the chi microzone, one of the optimal postures must be chosen.

These include the following provisions:
- the partner is behind;
- the girl takes the pose of a rider and strongly leans back.
Even a detailed study of a video or photo is not always helpful in finding the answer. How to find the chi point? This doesn't mean your sex life is any less impressive.
Point ji is really a unique place. However, for most women, the emotional sensations prevail rather than the physiological ones of sex. Some girls find that they do not enjoy the stimulation of the erogenous chakra at all.
The older women are, the less significant is the use of the g-factor to reach orgasm. It should also be noted that, according to sexologists, the task of finding a supererogenous point is relevant only for those women who cannot experience orgasm at all.
How to determine the coordinates of the ji point of a partner?
If the problem of the location of the chi area in women can be solved by a tactile method, then the question of how to find the g-spot of a partner is not at all difficult.
Finding that place in the male half is even easier, you don't even need a training video. An analog of the chi point is the prostate.
There is such an erogenous place near the urethra from the bottom of the bladder (this can be seen in the video). To get to a man's g "spot", you must use the anus. In practice, it looks like this: a finger is gently inserted into the anus, and a slight bulge is found on the side of the abdomen. This will be the g zone. It is located somewhere four or five centimeters from the entrance of the anus.
Not all men will like such unusual sexual activity from women. Some representatives of the stronger sex negatively evaluate such attempts by women to find a place for erogenous stimulation.

Another important note: the couple must not have long and sharp nails. If you managed to find the location of the g-zone, then it is better to use a special lubricant for stroking. All these actions must be performed very delicately.
If the partners decide to find a unique g-zone, then it is advisable to use different methods. You can see the dedicated video above.
With mutual consent, try to find the treasured object called "G-spot" through tactile investigation. For some couples, the magic g transforms intimate life, making it even richer and more vibrant.
By exploring each other's bodies, lovers can achieve true pleasure!